
The Silent Guardian

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”
~ Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

A wanderer, a lone wolf, a silver fox.
This man is known by many things, as many things, and yet, very little is truly known of or about him.
Not what or who he is, not where he came from, not where he is going.
What is known about him, however, tends to go against the typical beliefs and mannerisms of an Au Ra. Even for an Au Ra who is often solitary, as many are.Any who would have known anything about him have been long vanquished by the 'heroes' of Eorzea.

“Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember.
To me they are proof of the fact that there is healing.”
~ Linda Hogan

With pale skin and silvered hair, golden scales and a solitary nature, it is almost impossible to determine whether this man is a Raen or Xaela by birth. His eyes are a pale silverish color with stark crimson rings.His body is littered with scars, both new and old, showing this particular Au Ra is no stranger to conflict, further shown by his skills with a weapon, often bearing an eastern blade, a katana.One thing that can be easily determined from Elzivir, he is certainly not a young Au Ra. Though with a stern expression most of the time, even a stiff upper lip can't hide the signs of age.
Darkened eyes, faint creases and age-lines around his eyes and upon his forehead, and lips seeming forever slightly chapped. One thing is for sure though, regardless of however old he might be, he looks after himself, being as fit and strong as any younger Au Ra.

“We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreperably broken.”
~ John Green

Elzivir's past is a mystery, even to him.
Suffering from a rather dreadful case of amnesia, among other conditions, even his name is unknown to him, and so he had chosen to go by Elzivir. Better to be named than nameless.
Although having tried recalling his past many, many times, even seeking magical and non-magical aide alike to help him, nothing seems able to break through the fog within his mind.However, this has not slowed what recovery he was able to undertake - going so far as to try finding himself a brand new life, whatever his old one once was.

Quick Facts

Elzivir is far from a normal Au Ra, and some might even sense ancient aether from him. (Aethersight hook)Elzivir suffers from chronic amnesia, having no knowledge of his previous life from before the Calamity, or even in the few years following. He can only clearly remember, in fragments, the past two to three years of his life.Elzivir is a warrior, by nature as well as by trade. Always putting himself right in the middle of conflict, it is of little wonder why he is littered with so many scars. It is also a wonder how he is still alive...When it comes to romance, Elzivir may be polyamorous (undecided for now). This is a default decision to begin with and may change.

IC info

Race: Au Ra?
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Cisgender male
Sexuality: ????
Nameday: He doesn't remember
Alignment: Neutral Good/True Neutral
Guardian: Rhalgr, the Destroyer.

OOC info

Server: Balmung
Often Visiting: Mateus
Timezone: GMT+8 (Perth)


General Theme:
Feel Nothing
~ The Plot In You

Combat Theme:
Feel Something
~ Excision, Illenium, I Prevail


Untethered (Without Collar):
Il'gynoth (German Voiceover)
[Hence showing why he rarely ever speaks]

Tethered (With Collar):
Chase Eagleson